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SAVE THE DATE: Skull Base & Pituitary Pathologies

3rd Münster Hands-on Course
18.–20. September 2025
Exercising the approach while understanding the disease

Target Audience

Our Skull Base Course is designed for ENT specialists, Neurosurgeons, and trainees including Residents and Fellows. It is aimed at professionals with an interest in learning or advancing their skills in minimally invasive surgical techniques. Whether you are new to the field or looking to update your practice with the latest approaches, this course offers valuable insights and training tailored to your needs.

Course Dates 18th–20th September 2025
Venue Institute of Anatomy, Vesaliusweg 2–4, 48149 Münster
Course Director Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. E. Suero Molina, MBA – Head of Minimally Invasive Skull Base Surgery, University Hospital of Münster
Local Organization Committee Arturo Silvero Isidre
Registration Fee The fee is to be announced.
Registration Please register by email with the following details: first name, surname/last name, specialization (neurosurgery/ENT/other: please specify), year of training, institution, address, email address, telephone number. If you need a visa, please send a copy of your passport to

Review of the past Skull Base Course in 2024

16.09.2024, Day 1
 The Pathology
 Pituitary Neuroendocrine Tumors and the general disease work-up
 Chordomas and Olfactory neuroblastoma
 Benign cystic lesions
 Overview of relevant cranial nerve anatomy and function
 The transsphenoidal approach – indications and limitations
 The transsphenoidal approach – step by step
 Basic principles of skull base reconstruction
 Post-operative CSF leak management
 Role of lumbal drain, hydrocortisone and postoperative workout in functional PitNET
The essentials of the transsphenoidal approach
 Hands-on Dissection
 Hands-on Dissection
 Social program: Welcome drinks


17.09.2024, Day 2
 Extending to the coronal plane
 Introduction to the coronal plane
 Surgical anatomy and pathology of the orbit
 Surgical anatomy and pathology of the cavernous sinus/Meckel’s cave
 Managing the cavernous sinus in endoscopic endonasal surgery
 Surgical anatomy and pathology of the infratemporal fossa
 Surgical anatomy and pathology of the petroclival region
 Hands-on Dissection
 Lunch and Group Picture
 Ventriculoscopy – Surgical Anatomy and Technique – How I do it.
Extending to sagittal plane
 Transtubercular and transplanar approaches
 Pathology and indications for extended endoscopic anterior cranial fossa approaches
 The superior eyelid transorbital route to the skull base: Basic principles
 Transorbital Surgery and complications: Korean Master
ExperienceComplications in transorbital surgery
 Hands-on Dissection
 Social program – Course Dinner

18.09.2024, Day 3
 Anterolateral cranial base
 Keyhole access to the anterior skull base
 Eyebrow approaches
Lateral eyebrow and supraorbital craniotomy
Medial eyebrow (Kilian-Approach)
 Controversies in Skull base Meningiomas
 Hands-on Dissection
Wrap up
 Defining goals and barriers to the optimal outcomes
 Complication avoidance
Case discussion session
 Case 1
 Case 2
 Case 3
 Case 4
 Case 5


Invited Guest Skull Base Course 2024

Prof. Daniel Prevedello

Professor, Director, Minimally Invasive Cranial Surgery Program
College of Medicine, Department of Neurological Surgery
The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA

International Faculty

  • Michael Catalino, USA
  • Alberto di Somma, Spain
  • Arianna Fava, Italy
  • Doo-Sik Kong, South Korea
  • Gilles Reuter, Belgium

Local Faculty

  • Prof. Walter Stummer
  • Dr. Achim Beule